Wednesday, January 21, 2015

(Sponsored) Lush Aesthetics LED Teeth Whitening- Pearly White Teeth!

Sorry for the long hiatus for about 2 weeks. 
I was having a bout of writers' block & somehow lost my momentum.
But I'm back & I have some exciting news coming up!

But first, my review on Lush Aesthetics' LED Teeth Whitening!!

Lush Aesthetics is not a new name in the beauty industry.
They are well known for their facials, hair removal services & their teeth whitening services.
I have been pretty conscious about having a nice set of pearly whites since I was young.
I am a smoker (yes, I am letting you know this now), & also an avid coffee & alcohol drinker.
My teeth are something I am not very proud of cos' I have quite stained teeth.
When Lush Aesthetics contacted me regarding a Teeth Whitening review, 
I immediately jumped on it.
I seriously would...

Why is it important to have pearly white teeth?
Well, I guess like what they usually say..
A good, beautiful, wide smile, can make someone's day, better.
But imagine what a set of disgustingly yellow stained teeth can only do?
(faint, maybe?)

So I was first briefed by the consultant and she took a good look at my teeth.
I have severe cigarette staining & also some brownish stains, closer to my gums.
I was then briefed that I was going to do a Peroxide treatment, 2 sessions of 20 mins.
(44% concentration)

Then I was brought to this small little room.
Small, but cosy, & temperature just right!

View from where I was lying..
So comfy (:

Oh, and did I mention how nice their staff were?
They were polite, kind, reassuring & super sweet. 
She gave me a bell to ring if I needed anything, & checked on me every 5 minutes. 

I have attached some photos of my session.
Beware, not a pretty sight!
You have been warned..

Notice the brown stains in between my teeth & also the gum area..
Yes, this was what I had to put on while I was prepping for the treatment. 
I have not seen my mouth so wide open before..

Gums well protected with this blue cream. 
Goggles are a must to protect you during the LED Treatment. 
(Don't I just look gorgeous? NOT.)

& of course, the after treatment images.

The whole process was quite pleasant. 
Other than the fact that I had to swallow my saliva cautiously,
else you'd swallow the gel/peroxide..
I did however swallow some of the gel by accident, & I'm still alive!
So it's nothing much...
Also, I felt no discomfort throughout the LED Treatment.
But a little numbness was felt right after the treatment had ended. 
Nothing big, not much of fuss.
But yes, do observe to avoid smoking, drinking caffeine, carbonated drinks or colourful food, 
like Curry, TomYam & Chilli, for at least 3 days odd.
Else, the effects won't be that pronounced. 

A Comparison!
Both pictures were taken with the same lighting conditions, with no Photoshop whatsoever.
I am too lazy for Photoshop, so trust me, these photos are real. 

According to the teeth chart, I was down 6 shades, and my staining was visibly gone.
Now, all I have to do is to keep them that way, & maybe go for a 2nd follow up in a few months.

For those interested, 
the Peroxide-free  LED Whitening Treatment is going at $188 ONLY!
The no peroxide treatment is well suited for non smokers, or people with no stains on their teeth.
However, if you have stained teeth, a more effective treatment would be the one which has peroxide. 
(Price: $500+, but note that dental clinics are doing the same procedure at twice the price!)

Feel free to visit Lush Aesthetics' Facebook Page for more details of their current promotions!!
Lush Aesthetics Orchard
19 Tanglin Road, Tanglin Shopping Centre, #06-11
6737 4964

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